The Target Accounts training, being comprised of digital access and downloadable files, is ideally a non-refundable program.
 If you use our materials and attend classes for 3 days, and decide it was not worth it - you can apply for a full refund.
* Your refund will be processed within 5-7 working days.
 You will have to show proof of usages such as the tools, and knowledge of the classes hosted.
If you use our materials and attend classes for 3 days, and decide it was not worth it - you can apply for a full refund.
Your refund will be processed within 5-7 working days. You will have to show proof of usages such as the tools, and knowledge of the classes hosted. However, Target Accounts training comes with personal support for all students in our community - so you would have 6 months from your date of purchase to actually implement what you learnt.
When you enroll for The Target Accounts training, it is mutually understood that you signed up at your own will with full understanding that the implementation of the materials to get results will be your sole responsibility. That being said, we will be aiding you with setbacks, as long as they are a part of our curriculum. 
It is also to be noted that your subscription may be cancelled with no refunds in case of the following events :
1. Fraudulent activities including but are not limited to: copying our content, sharing login details with other parties except yourself and reselling the course.
2. Verbal Disrespect towards Target Accounts Team Members or Community Members
3. Any activities deemed as inappropriate by the Target Accounts Team (for ex. unsolicited unprofessional messages )
We hope to have you as a valuable member of the Target Accounts Community. You should receive your log-in details within 48 hours of purchase, further details are to be shared in Your Welcome Kit. In case of unexpected errors, you can connect with us at